[by Jean Diorama]


Completed on : 2024 03 31


That one is a story of a year old failure at doing a good diorama with that #sawfish I modeled some time ago. Once the resin basically failed, another time the diorama was just not good enough. And that one here I dropped 2 days ago on the tiled floor. And then here it was, technically alright when I realised that there was a big empty space on the top of the scene. So of course I'm not one to overcrowd my scenes and a staunch advocate against pointless details, but here there was just not enough going on. But how to add flat enough details (so as to still fit in the frame) and not something that would kill the hot-spot which is the shark? That's when I thought of those #portholes. I managed to paint them in rather dull rusty tones so as to concentrate the more saturated colours near the bottom right of the scene. All in all it comes out alright but it taught me a lesson not to create dioramas out of spite or anything like that, and that all my best stuff always came up out of.. Often dozens of years of reflection. A project must be very mature in your head before starting it, or you have bad surprises like here.