The Whale
Completed on : 2021 07 11
Size of the scene : 13
Size of the frame : 10
Size of the frame : 10
I used to feel pretty vacant. That is, not depressed or anything, just empty. Nothing positive or negative goes on in my mind, just a blind wish to keep on sculpting and painting without real aim or anything. Through that foggy mind of mine, I feel echoes of people that I miss and old situations that I would probably like to renew. So here my mind got back on the time I was sculpting that whale, and then I wanted to sculpt another one that I would place in another context. That's an old trick of mine : cramming a bit of a monstrous thing on a rather reduced space, so here you have a 1/35 whale on about 10x13 cm, centering on the eye for the trick of the light